Opportunity Identification Sessions

Opportunity Identification Sessions

Request an opportunity identification session to identify specific customer opportunities in your market and get the support you need to address them. Your TE field representative (i.e. DMM) will help you organize the session.

Using the associated TELC product or application courses as a prerequisite, OID sessions focus on applying TE product and application knowledge to identify specific customer opportunities in your market.

These face-to-face sessions are delivered locally by TE’s Distribution Market Managers (DMM) with support from our Business Unit Sales Engineers, and are typically held at a distributor’s branch office.

Upon completion of an OID session, attendees can work with their local DMM to receive credit. These OID credits count toward achieving increasing levels of recognition as part of the TE Certification Program.


Examples of available Opportunity Identification Sessions are:

  • 10K3CG Leadless Chip Gold NTC Temperature Sensor
  • BATTU Dual Wall Heat Shrink Tubing
  • BUCHANAN WireMate Two Piece Poke-In Connector Series
  • DEUTSCH Jiffy Splices
  • DiBo+ EV Charger Type 1 Cable Assembly
  • DOG2 MEMS Inclinometer
  • Heavy Duty Sealed Connector Series
  • High Density Card Edge Connectors
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • MULTIGIG RT Connectors
  • And many more