Definitions for Product Information


A unique numeric value identifying the class/Product Line.



This is the category in which the part numbers reside in our eCatalog. This is presented to customers as Product Line.


These are keywords that apply to all products in the file. These keywords can be associated with the products in the file for searching purposes on your website.



A unique numeric value assigned to the part number. On very rare occasions, the tcpn (TE Internal Part Number) can change. The part_id will not change. Using the part_id as your unique identifier would help on those rare occasions when the TCPN changes.


TE Corporate Part Number. This is also known as TE Internal Part Number. It is a unique part number among all of TE's part numbers and is sometimes only used for internal purposes.



The date when a change was detected in the part number's XML information. If the date is different than the date you have on file for the part number, you may want to reload the product's information. Note that a change in the XML does not necessarily mean that there was a change in the product information in our eCatalog. For instance, providing an additional tag in the XML would cause a change in date.



Also known as "marketing part number". This is the part number that TE presents to customers. This is the part number used in paper catalogs. It may or may not be the same as the tcpn.



The URL to the part number's Product Details Screen.



The URL to the primary image for the product.



If there are part numbers associated with the product other than the tcpn and primary_part_number, they will be listed here.



The product's current status code.



The Product Code. A Product Code identifies very similar products.



The Global Product Line (GPL). A GPL identifies products that have similar and/or related characteristics across Product Codes.



The description of the Global Product Line (GPL).



The Harmonized Commodity Code is a multipurpose international product nomenclature developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO).



In order to comply with international Export control regulations on certain products and technology (military or dual list) all materials are Classified with an Export  Control Classification Number.



Indicates whether a product can be purchased directly on in the TE Store.



Indicates whether samples are available for this product.



This is the EU RoHS Compliance status of the product.



This is the EU ELV Compliance status of the product.



Lead Free Process Description. This datum describes whether the product is suitable for Lead Free Soldering.



This is a link to TE's Statement of Compliance



A brief description of the product.



Lists any Military Specifications that are certified to the product and any applicable Class information. 



Attribute Category. The features of the products are grouped into categories that you may chose to use or ignore. Categories will vary by Class/Product Line. Examples of categories are Product Type Features, Body Related Features, Industry Standards, and Packaging Related Features.


attr_type id

A unique numeric value assigned to the Feature. This is provided in case you want to map TE Feature Names to your own Feature Names.


attr_type name

The Feature name.


attr_type uom

The Feature's Unit Of Measure. If there is no Unit Of Measure associated with the Feature, then uom="null".



Attr_value will contain the Feature Value. An example Feature/Feature Value pairing: attr_type name="Upper Frequency, Max." uom="GHz" > <attr_value>3.0</attr_value>. The name of the Feature is Upper Frequency, Max and is measured in GHz and has a value of 3.0.



If documents are associated with the product, there will be a docInfoList section listed after the products attributes.



If there are one or more CAD Files available for the product, the value will be Yes. If there are no CAD Files available, the value will be No. Direct links are not supplied for CAD Files. Note that this indicator only refers to STEP, IGES and DXF format files. 3D PDFs are treated as documents and if available, are listed in the docInfo area explained next.



If there are product related documents other than CAD Files, they will be listed in the docInfo area.



Every document will have a docType. This is a high level classification. There are six docType categories:

  1. Product Drawing
  2. 3D PDF
  3. Catalog Pages/Data Sheet
  4. Product Specification
  5. Material Declaration
  6. Instruction Sheet


docId is the document's unique identifier. A document can have numerous revisions and can be in different formats, but the docID will remain the same.



The current document revision level. Typically, revisions start with A, B, C and so on. You should not need to care about the document revision unless you are storing the document on your website (not recommended). The direct access URL provided in the XML files always links to the most recent version of the document. If you are storing the document on your website and the docRevision changes, you will need to get a revised version of the document. Some documents will not have a docRevision. Catalog Pages typically do not have revisions associated with them and the tag will be empty.



The title of the document.



Some docTypes have docSubTypes associated with them and some do not. This is a further classification of the document. You may choose to show some documents based on its docSubType.

  1. Product Drawing
  2. 3D PDF

3.     Catalog Pages/Data Sheet

o    No docSubTypes


4.     Product Specification

o    Product Specification

o    Application Specification

o    Engineering Report

o    Guideline

o    Interface Standard

o    Packaging Specification

o    Process Specification

o    Qualification Test Report

o    Quality Specification

o    Technical Reports

o    Test Specification

o    Workmanship Specification


5.     Material Declaration

o    Material Declaration

o    Customer Restricted Declaration

o    Declaration of Chemical Content

o    REACH Customer Notification

o    Material Safety Data Sheet


6.     Instruction Sheet

o    Instruction Sheet (U.S.)

o    Instruction Sheet (non U.S.)

o    Customer Manual (U.S.)

o    Customer Manual (non U.S.)

o    Operating Instruction



The complete name of the document file.



The format of the document. Most documents are in PDF format.



This is the size of the file in bytes. If you want to convert to KB or MB, you will need to do the conversion.



The language of the document. Only one language is provided, but some documents are in multiple languages and some documents, especially Product Drawings, can be useful even if they are not in the desired language.



This is the direct access URL link to the document. It is highly recommended that you use this link to provide documents to your customers rather than storing documents on your website. This link will always provide the latest revision so it will always provide the most up-to-date information.



Indicates other TE products that are compatible with the product