Documents and Drawings for: 826853-1

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TE Part Number: 826853-1

TE Internal Number: 826853-1

Product Description: 1P, AMPMODU I, SHUNT GREEN


Document Title Document Type Document Number
SHUNT ASSEMBLY, MODU I, RASTER 3.96mm SHUNT KOMPLETT, MODU I, RASTER 3.96mm (tif, English) Customer Drawing 826853
SHUNT ASSEMBLY, MODU I, RASTER 3.96mm SHUNT KOMPLETT, MODU I, RASTER 3.96mm (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 826853
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page
Customer View Model (pdf, 3D) Model CVM_826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model 826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model 826853-1
Customer View Model (, English) Model 826853-1
Customer View Model (pdf, English) Model 826853-1
AMPMODU CONNECTOR REPORT (GERMANY) (pdf, English) UL Report UL_E28476_19951006
shuntstecker modu 1 raster 3.96 (tif, English) Customer Drawing 826853-1
shuntstecker modu 1 raster 3.96 (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 826853-1