Documents and Drawings for: 650025-2

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TE Part Number: 650025-2

TE Internal Number: 650025-2

Product Description: KEY PLUG-SHORT


Document Title Document Type Document Number
Standard Edge Card (SEC) II, SEC II Power, and High Current Card Edge Connectors (pdf, English) Application Specification 114-13018
Connector, Standard Edge (pdf, English) Qualification Test Report 501-227
Connector, Standard Edge (tif, English) Qualification Test Report 501-227
KEY PLUG INTERCONTACT (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 650025
KEY PLUG INTERCONTACT (tif, English) Customer Drawing 650025
Connector, Standard Edge (pdf, English) Product Specification 108-9039
POWER_CONNECTORS_CATALOG_SEC03_CARD_EDGE (pdf, English) Catalog Section 1773096_SEC03_CARD_EDGE
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_650025-2
Customer View Model (pdf, 3D) Model CVM_650025-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_650025-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_650025-2
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page