Documents and Drawings for: 42101-2

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TE Part Number: 42101-2

TE Internal Number: 42101-2

Product Description: PIN RECEPTACLE 18-16 AWG TPBR


Document Title Document Type Document Number
PIN RECEPTACLE, 2.36 [.093] DIA (tif, English) Customer Drawing 42101
PIN RECEPTACLE, 2.36 [.093] DIA (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 42101
Customer View Model (pdf, 3D) Model CVM_42101-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_42101-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_42101-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_42101-2
Pin Receptacle Contact With Closed Seam (pdf, English) Application Specification 114-2080
Pin Receptacle Contact With Closed Seam (tif, English) Application Specification 114-2080
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page
See all product compliance on the Product Detail Page TE Material Declaration View Product Detail Page