Documents and Drawings for: 2007042-2

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TE Part Number: 2007042-2

TE Internal Number: 2007042-2

Product Description: 1FHR,64,50A/P,S,C,R11,12


Document Title Document Type Document Number
1.0 mm Free Height (FH) Plug and Receptacle Connectors Using Surface Mount Technology (SMT) (pdf, English) Application Specification 114-25045
RECEPTACLE ASSY, W/ VACUUM COVER, 1.0mm FH(IEEE 1386) CONNECTOR (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 2007042
Customer View Model (pdf, 3D) Model CVM_2007042-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_2007042-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_2007042-2
Customer View Model (, English) Model CVM_2007042-2