Documents and Drawings for: 169481-1

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TE Part Number: 169481-1

TE Internal Number: 169481-1

Other Aliases: A84332-000, AMPS-0-0169481-1

Product Description: HANDTOOL (MOD-4)


Document Title Document Type Document Number
Bottoming Dies (pdf, English) Data Sheet 2365082-1
Hand Tool Assembly for MODU IV (tif, English) Customer Drawing 169481-1
Hand Tool Assembly for MODU IV (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 169481-1
Application and Maintenance for AMP Hand Crimping Tool 169481-1 (tif, German) Instruction Sheet (non U.S.) 411-19139
Application and Maintenance for AMP Hand Crimping Tool 169481-1 (pdf, German) Instruction Sheet (non U.S.) 411-19139
Klapppositionierer kompl. flap locator assembly (tif, English) Customer Drawing 4-539785-8
Klapppositionierer kompl. flap locator assembly (pdf, English) Customer Drawing 4-539785-8