
ケース スタディ


TE Connectivity (TE) は、頑丈で信頼性か高く、取り付けも容易な野生生物および資産保護製品で、オーストリア連邦鉄道の ÖBB によるネットワークの電力停止を防止しながら絶滅危惧種のフクロウを致命的な感電から守るという取り組みを支援しています。


In order to contribute to preservation of an endangered species of Eagle Ombre, ÖBB has taken the initiative to prevent network outages while protecting the owl from a fatal electric shock by insulating 50 kilometers of utility poles. 

As a pioneer and leader in wildlife protection and asset protection in the power distribution protection industry, TE Connectivity (TE) has provided a reliable solution that protects both wildlife and assets. 


Due to the harsh environmental conditions in this area characterized by heavy snow, ÖBB was looking for an insulating cover that can withstand high humidity and severe temperature change. Reliability was the most important feature in this project.

In this solution it was necessary to achieve complete insulation to prevent short circuits that cause damage to wildlife and power systems.



50 km

5 年以内に絶縁されたトラック長




Based on years of experience TE experts provided wildlife protection and asset protection solutions to address customer's technology and environmental challenges.

  • TE Raychem red BCIC bird protection cover
  • Field trial of avian cover on customer's insulator by TE's local engineer
「TE Connectivity は碍子とサージ アレスタについての数年に及ぶパートナーです。TE のポリマ材料は、厳しい条件に対する信頼性・高性能・抵抗性を実証しています。鳥類を原因とするネットワークの機能停止の防止について TE に相談したことは正しい選択でした」


A robust and versatile bird cover that has been extensively tested, TE supports ÖBB to eliminate network outages, to provide better service to customers, and at the same time to protect the endangered species Eagleworm I will.

Since the power distribution cover is a smart design that can be attached with a hot stick, customers can install products quickly and easily without special training.